[button color=”blue”]Blue[/button] [button color=”purple”]Purple[/button] [button color=”green”]Green[/button] [button color=”gold”]Gold[/button] [button color=”wine”]Wine[/button] [button color=”orange”]Orange[/button] [button color=”black”]Black[/button]

[button href=”” color=”” target=”” id=””]Label[/button]


  • href

    Link to follow when clicked Example: http://mysite.com/blog

  • color

    Color of the button Example: blue, purple, green gold, wine orange, black

  • target

    Target attribute for the link Example: _blank

  • id

    Adds an ID attribute to the button element

Paypal Button

The paypal button is a powerful shortcode that you may include in the content area of any service you add to Brick and Mortar. This button will automatically use the price, title and other attributes that you have saved with your item. Optionally, you may override the inherited settings using the available attributes listed below.

[paypal_button]Buy Now![/paypal_button]

[paypal_button]Buy Now![/paypal_button]


  • currency

    Specify the currency code for the payment Example: USD, CAD, EUR

  • price

    Specify the price for the item (optional). If no price is specified, the price saved with the WordPress item will be used.

  • paypal_email

    Specify your paypal email address (optional). If no email is specified the WordPress Admin user email will be used.

  • title

    Adds an ID attribute to the button element

  • id

    Specify the item ID that is sent to paypal (optional). If no ID is specified, the ID of the WordPress item will be used.

  • button_color

    Choose the color of button Example: blue, purple, green gold, wine orange, black