Winter Recital Details – Signup begins 10/1
It’s that time of year again and we are getting into recital mode! Below are all of the details for our Winter Recitals, please read carefully.
Signing up
-Signup begins 10/1 in the student portal at 9 am. Space is limited, so please sign up promptly to guarantee your spot. Starting on 10/1, click on the recital date in the calendar and click “Register.” Please familiarize yourself with the student portal before 10/1. We are always happy to resend your login info and walk you through event registration at Guitar Shed.
-Check with your teacher first to make sure you are ready to perform, you do not need to choose your piece when you sign up. Your teacher will give us that information as the event gets closer.
-Tweens ( 10-12 year olds ) are welcome to sign up for the Kids or Teens Recital since there is limited space in the Kids Recital.
-Admission is $10 in advance and at the door for ALL performers and guests. This is a new policy to help with the production of our recitals. Admission covers the costs to pay the venue, market the event, design and print posters, hire photographers, print our photo albums and most importantly pay our awesome teachers.
-Tickets will be available on each of the venue’s websites soon.
House Band
-There will be a teacher house band for the Teens and Adult recitals. Please let your teacher know if you would like to be accompanied by the house band. The house band will also accompany all of the drummers at the Kids Recital.
-There is a mandatory rehearsal if you would like to be accompanied by the house band. Date TBD.
Venues, Dates and Times
-Kids Recital: 11/16 at City Winery – 12-3 pm
-Teens Recital: 11/24 at The Vista Room – 7-10 pm
-Adults Recital: 1/19 at Eddie’s Attic – 7-10 pm
More details
-If you haven’t already, grab a free poster on the music stand in our lobby.
-Please stay to see your fellow performers. We have split up our recitals into 3 events to allow for a shorter program.
-We will have a photographer, please let us know if you would not like to be included in recital photos.